James Pustejovsky and Sabine Bergler
Recent work on formal methods in computational lexical semantics has had the effect of bringing many linguistic formalisms much closer to the knowledge representation languages used in artificial intelligence. Formalisms are now emerging which may be more expressive and formally better understood than many knowledge representation languages. The interests of computational linguists now extend to include such domains as commonsense knowledge, inheritance, default reasoning, collocational relations, and even domain knowledge. With such an extension of the normal purview of “linguistic” knowledge, one may question whether there is any logical justification for distinguishing between lexical semantics and commonsense reasoning. This volume explores the question from several methodological and theoretical perspectives. What emerges is a clear consensus that the notion of the lexicon and lexical knowledge assumed in earlier linguistic research is grossly inadequate and fails to address the deeper semantic issues required for natural language analysis.
Publication Date: October 8, 1992
Pustejovsky, J. and S. Bergler. (eds.) Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, Springer Verlag, Berlin. 1992.