Are You Sure That This Happened? Assessing the Factuality Degree of Events in Text
Authors: |
Roser Saurí, James Pustejovsky |
Journal: |
Computational Linguistics, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2012. |
Automatic Transformation from TIDES to TimeML Annotation
Authors: |
Saquete, E. & Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Language Resources and Evaluation, Vol. 45 No. 4, 2011, 495-523. |
The Qualitative Spatial Dynamics of Motion in Language
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. & Moszkowicz, J.L. |
Journal: |
Spatial Cognition & Computation, Vol. 11 No. 1, 2011, 15-44 |
Coercion in a General Theory of Argument Selection
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Linguistics, Vol. 49 No. 6, 2011, 1401-1431. |
Enriching regulatory networks by bootstrap learning using optimised GO-based gene similarity and gene links mined from PubMed abstracts
Authors: |
Ronald C. Taylor, Antonio Sanfilippo, Jason E. McDermott, Bob Baddeley, Roderick Riensche and Russell Jensen, Marc Verhagen and James Pustejovsky |
Journal: |
International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011 |
The Qualitative Spatial Dynamics of Motion in Language
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, James and Jessica Moszkowicz |
Journal: |
Spatial Cognition and Computation, 11:1ñ32, 2011 |
FactBank. A Corpus Annotated with Event Factuality
Authors: |
Sauri, Roser and Pustejovsky, James |
Journal: |
Language, Resources, and Evaluation (2009) |
The TempEval challenge: identifying temporal relations in text
Authors: |
Marc Verhagen and Robert Gaizauskas and Frank Schilder and Mark Hepple and Jessica Moszkowicz and James Pustejovsky |
Journal: |
Language Resources and Evaluation 43. 2 (2009): 161-179 |
Semantic Coercion in Language: Beyond Distributional Analysis
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, James and Elisabetta Jezek |
Journal: |
Italian Journal of Linguistics (2009) |
Between Chaos and Structure: Interpreting Lexical Data through a Theoretical Lens
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, James and Anna Rumshisky |
Journal: |
International Journal of Lexicography (2008) |
The impact of empirical lexicography on linguistics and NLP
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, James |
Journal: |
International Journal of Lexicography (2008) |
Semantic Coercion in Language: Beyond Distributional Analysis
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, James and Elisabetta Jezek |
Journal: |
Italian Journal of Linguistics (2008) |
Type Theory and Lexical Decomposition
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, James. |
Journal: |
Journal of Cognitive Science (2006) |
A Type Composition Logic for Generative Lexicon
Authors: |
Asher, N., Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Journal of Cognitive Science (2006) |
TimeBank Evolution as a Community Resource for TimeML Parsing
Authors: |
Boguraev, Branimir, Pustejovsky, James , R. Ando, Marc Verhagen |
Journal: |
Language, Resource, and Evaluation 41. 1 (2007): 91-115 |
Introduction to Special Issue on New Advances in Question Answering Systems
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J., Wiebe, J. |
Journal: |
Language, Resources, Evaluation (2005) |
A Pattern Dictionary for Natural Language Processing
Authors: |
Hanks, P., Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Revue FranÁaise de Linguistique Appliquee (2005) |
Biomedical Term Mapping Databases
Authors: |
Wren, J D, Chang, J T, Pustejovsky J, Adar E, Garner H R, and Altman R B. |
Journal: |
Nucleic Acids Research (2005) |
Explanation and Generativity in Semantics
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Linguistic Inquiry. 1998 |
The Semantics of Lexical Underspecification
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Folia Linguistica. 1998 |
The Role of Lexicons in Natural Language Processing
Authors: |
Guthrie, L, J. Pustejovsky, Y. Wilks, and B. Slator |
Journal: |
Communications of the ACM, 39:1. 1996 |
Lexical Semantics in Context
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. and B. Boguraev |
Journal: |
Journal of Semantics. 1995 |
Aspectual Coercion and Logical Polysemy
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. and P. Bouillon |
Journal: |
Journal of Semantics. 1995 |
Lexical Knowledge Representation and Natural Language Processing
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. and B. Boguraev |
Journal: |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 1993 |
Semantic Methods for Corpus Analysis
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J., S. Bergler, and P. Anick |
Journal: |
Computational Linguistics, 19.2. 1993 |
The Generative Lexicon
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Computational Linguistics, 17(4):409-441, 1991 |
The Syntax of Event Structure
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
Cognition, 41(1-3):47-81, 1991 |
Constraints on the Acquisition of Semantic Knowledge
Authors: |
Pustejovsky, J. |
Journal: |
International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 1988 |